For the first time in Tashkent, a musical show on ice “The Real Nutcracker” was presented. The tale of Ernst Hoffmann embodied himself in an ice performance with such a bewitching production, author's songs, unique music. The performance was presented by soloists of world ice shows, professional skaters, ice acrobats, as well as current athletes of the Russian national figure skating team.
In the arsenal of artists, spectacular outbursts and supports, difficult jumps and exciting acrobatic elements. Among the participants of the ice show - Daniil Parkman - student of Alexei Mishin and Tamara Moskvina, Victoria Yatsenko - student of Nina Moser and Tamara Moskvina. Also on the ice were Polina Galkina and Arsenia Demidas - students of Alexander Zhulin, Nikita Rakhmanin - a student of Nina Moser, Ekaterina Mitrofanova - a student of Eteri Tutberidze and many others.